Friday, September 12, 2008

Madness in form of a reform.

The aim to live well and strive to live , one unfolds the philosophy of happiness and the other peace . One requires controlling passion and the other to kill emotions . To be happy is to have more than the rational mind can concieve and to be at peace there has to be a compromise with life. There is no mystery to God's will , what's required is the understanding of the human society towards the greater plan.It is acceptable to not know the answers , but to stop questioning is distraction from sanity.Does the shame and fear to know more than it is required put a halt to progression ? Does progression fall in sync with happiness?
There can be more theories than we can possibly think but only one solution to achieve what the brain craves , it is to know the difference between knowing things as they actually are or as they seem to be .
The incorrectly drived motivation towards an illusion can ruin the basic concepts .To live in a frenzy of confused emotions and pure lunacy is pure innocence of a drooling child but to impose it with the awareness of a scholar is a crime.There must be checks and balances , a line that could be defined for a movement , to carry out the madness in form of a reform.It is our duty to smoothen a very cornered path , a textured morality which is deeply shaded from the common eye.To use the principles of wisdom on war footing and make it acceptable for a larger audience.To let the disoriented vision fall clear of all blinders and connect with the supereme being . Connect with faith and mission , with decisiveness and discipline of thought.
The art of self control and substitution of obedience can turn the crispness into polite subservience. The willingness to serve the purpose of divine rule , accepting sycophancy and waiting to be rewarded . The reward being obscure and to understand that it will be delivered.
Unfolding the true theology and investing a firm trust in it's integrity.

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